The Wisconsin Chapter AFS, Stateline Chapter and NEW Chapter, along with the Regional Planning Committee are proud to present the 87th Wisconsin Regional Foundry Conference and Exposition February 4 - 6, 2025 The Brookfield Conference Center, Brookfield, Wisconsin
PRICING & DETAILS First Time WI Regional Attendees
Neighboring Chapters (NEW, Chicago, MN, on other area chapters)
AFS Corporate Members and Individual Members:
Foundry Attendees:
Non-Foundry Attendees:
· Conference Badge: $60 - Includes Expo and Tech Sessions - additional guests only $10
Retirees, Students and Speakers:
· Conference Badge FREE
**Speakers & ICC Judges will be registered as complimentary attendees by AFS WI Headquarters.
Meals - Wednesday Lunch & Dinner Tickets Must Be Purchased in Advance. Let us know if you have dietary restrictions.
AFS Wisconsin Chapter is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.
W175 N11117 Stonewood Drive, Suite280, Germantown, WI 53022
Phone: (262) 532-2440 EXT 215 | Email: